Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Learning from a by-stander.

Took a side-trip while they worked on our van this Tuesday.

Yes, this is Garden of the Gods, in Colorado Springs.

But, when we made it half way through the park, the weather from the west, 
on this side of Pike's Peak, started looking rather bad.

A young guy there was so excited; claimed he was some sort of a weather guy.
He kept talking about those downward pointing clouds and how they sometime came down as mini tornadoes, right here in Colorado.
Claimed occasionally the spirals reached the ground. 
But the wind is not too bad from these. 
Much of the damage is form the hail that comes with them.

He was sure one would develop.

I didn't give him much credit....
specially when it started to rain and I saw him in his car, rolling up a cigarette with light green, broccoli-like stuff inside. 

But, sure enough, it soon started to hail.

Later in the day the weather cleared and we returned back towards the Garden.

and there was lots of hail around, almost looking like fresh snow.

Guess the fellow knew what he was talking about, after all.

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