We are having fun and doing physical things that we would not have otherwise ventured into.
So, while the knees still work ok, here is what we did yesterday:
Went snowshoeing down an abandoned logging road in the virgin snow.
With just about every step, we'd sink up to our knees.
But, it finally got a little easier as we went back down to 9,000 feet.
Kept our eyes open for wild animal signs, though.
The day before there were dog-like droppings, but with hair in it.
No doubt the coyote from down the mountain came up here for a little bunny meal.
The neighbor says that, in the Fall, he's seen 2 mountain lions, roaming together along this road.
And a black bear that likes to walk between our properties.
But all the snow was virgin fresh, without a sign of recent activity.
sometimes running off to make his own trail.
But, eventually decide it was best to backtrack,
and just follow the easy trail we had just made.

Usually he goes about 3 times as far as we.
But in that deep snow yesterday, he only went 2 times as far.
Yes, it was a little tiring for all of us,
but we knew there would be a nice reward upon our return:
a warm & cozy fire, by which to enjoy a little rest.
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