It is amazing how much you can fit in this small space.......

I'll post a new picture of the inside of the van when I get it cleaned up a little.
Over the next 2 weeks we will be packing this small space to the maximum limits without overflowing. Of course we did have to get rid of a few things beforehand. So far we have 2 bags of clothes that we will be donating. When we travel, we try to have a maximum of 7 days worth of clothes with a trip to the laundromat at the end of that time. We've also learned to use the laundry sheets that have detergent and fabric softener in them. It avoids spills and messes when someone doesn't put a lid on tight enough and certainly weighs much less than liquids. And when the box gets mashed underneath things, it still works.
Our packing for this trip, of course, is still a little different than others since we are packing a few extra things that will have to be moved to our new residence. Unfortunately, our printer is taking a lot of our floor space and I'm not sure it will make the final cut. As it is, I've had to get rid of some of my shoes! How is it that guys can live with just 2 pairs of shoes and I have to have a minimum of 5 pairs? Something just isn't right.
I'll post more after our next packing session. I guess that the smaller the space, the more time it takes to pack.
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