Made it to the 4th Annual Championship Pow Wow in San Antonio this past weekend.
I was concerned because many friends I worked with in Texas claimed to be Native Americans,
form Oklahoma. But, their mannerisms, speech, and dress could pass for full blooded Scandinavians.
These guys, though, fit more of what I expected after living in NM and AK.
But quite exquisite outfits they wore! More silk than I expected.
Guess 'cause it was a championship event.
No. These are not the simple outfits of the Carancahuas and Lipan I read about as a kid,
along the Texas Gulf Coast.
What really surprised me, though, was the number of young & middle agers,
closely watching the dance steps of the elders.
And the proud look of the mothers, as their daughters joined them in the dance.
Like this moms, getting her daughters ready for the event.
But, do you know what impressed me the most?
It's when right before the dance, one of the young adults pulls out her iPad…….
and gets so immersed in what she is looking at.
A last-minute review of the dance steps?
Well, I assume it's the new being used for preserving the old.